JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
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EMS Library
For the C Language
Version 1.0
July 24, 1993
This software is provided as-is.
There are no warranties, expressed or implied.
Copyright (C) 1993
All rights reserved
MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
Post Office Box 4543
Huntsville AL 35815
205-881-4630 Voice / FAX
205-880-9748 Support BBS
EMS4C Users Manual Page 1
Chapter Page
1.0 Introduction..............................................3
1.1 Distribution Files....................................3
1.2 Compiling the Library.................................4
1.3 User Support..........................................4
1.4 Installation..........................................5
2.0 MSDOS Memory..............................................6
2.1 Types of Memory.......................................6
2.2 Bank Switching........................................6
3.0 Example Programs..........................................7
3.1 EMS_TEST..............................................7
3.2 EMS_STAT..............................................7
3.3 The EMM4C Library.....................................7
4.0 EMS Library Functions.....................................8
4.1 emsLoaded............................................9
4.2 emsGetStatus.........................................9
4.3 emsGetFrame..........................................10
4.4 emsGetPages..........................................10
4.5 emsAllocate..........................................11
4.6 emsMapMemory.........................................12
4.7 emsRelease...........................................13
4.8 emsVersion...........................................13
4.9 emsSaveMap...........................................14
4.10 emsRestoreMap........................................14
4.11 emsGetHandles........................................15
4.12 emsOwnedPages........................................15
4.13 emsPageInfo..........................................16
4.14 emsError.............................................17
5.0 EMS4C Error Codes.........................................18
6.0 Legal Issues..............................................19
6.1 Registration..........................................19
6.2 Referral Program......................................19
6.3 License...............................................20
6.4 Warranty..............................................20
7.0 Revision History..........................................20
8.0 Other MarshallSoft Computing Products for C...............21
8.1 The Personal Communications Library for C.............21
8.2 The Personal Protocol Library for C...................21
8.3 The LZW Data Compression Library for C................22
EMS4C Users Manual Page 2
1.0 Introduction
The EMS4C library implements version 3.2 of the LIM
(Lotus-Intel-Microsoft) specification for expanded memory. It will
run with either version 3.2 or 4.0 of the LIM specification.
In order to use the EMS4C library, you must have either an EMS
memory board installed, or have an expanded memory emulation
driver program (such as EMM386 or 386MAX) installed.
The EMS4C library provides 14 functions which allow the user to
make use of expanded memory from their programs. Several example
programs are also provides such as:
EMS_STAT : Displays EMS driver status.
EMS_TEST : EMS4C library test program.
1.1 Distribution Files
EMS4C.H : EMS4C prototype file.
EMS4C_S.LIB : EMS4C small model library.
EMS4C_L.LIB : EMS4C large model library.
EMS4C_S.MIX : MIX Power C small model object file.
EMS_ERR.C : Error message file.
EMS_TEST.C : Source code for the EMS4C test program.
EMS_TEST._T_ : Borland C & Turbo C makefile for EMS_TEST.
EMS_TEST._M_ : Microsoft C makefile for EMS_TEST.
EMS_TEST._Q_ : Microsoft Quick C makefile for EMS_TEST.
EMS_STAT.C : Source code for the EMS4C status program.
EMS_STAT._T_ : Borland C & Turbo C makefile for EMS_TEST.
EMS_STAT._M_ : Microsoft C makefile for EMS_TEST.
EMS_STAT._Q_ : Microsoft Quick C makefile for EMS_TEST.
Registered users also receive:
EMS4C.ASM : Source code for EMS4C library.
EMS4C_C.LIB : EMS4C compact model library.
EMS4C_M.LIB : EMS4C medium model library.
EMS4C_C.MIX : MIX EMS4C compact model object.
EMS4C_L.MIX : MIX EMS4C large model object.
MAKE_S.BAT : Makes EMS4C_S.LIB from source.
MAKE_M.BAT : Makes EMS4C_M.LIB from source.
MAKE_C.BAT : Makes EMS4C_C.LIB from source.
MAKE_L.BAT : Makes EMS4C_L.LIB from source.
MAKE_XS.BAT : Makes EMS4C_S.MIX from source.
MAKE_XC.BAT : Makes EMS4C_C.MIX from source.
MAKE_XL.BAT : Makes EMS4C_L.MIX from source.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 3
1.2 Compiling the Library
The registered user can re-assemble the source code (source code
is provided in the registered version only) for the library using
one of the provided batch files ( MAKE_S.BAT, etc.). Note that
you will need a Microsoft compatible assembler such as MASM.EXE in
order to create new EMS library files.
Makefiles are provided for re-assembling the libraries. For
example, to create EMS4C_S.LIB, type:
1.3 User Support
We want you to be successful in developing your application using
our libraries! We depend on our customers to let us know what they
need in a library. This means we are committed to providing the
best libraries that we can. If you have any suggestions or
comments, please write to us or give us a call.
If you are having a problem using EMS4C or any of our libraries,
call (205) 881-4630 between 5 PM and 9 PM CST Monday through
Friday. You can call at other times and leave a message, and call
back later during our regular business hours for a reply. You can
also FAX us at this same number at any time.
You may also call our 24 hour BBS (2400 baud, no parity, 8 data
bits, 1 stop bit) at any time. The BBS will contain the latest
shareware version of EMS4C, messages, and other related files. All
files are in standard ZIP format. You can leave a message on the
BBS, and we will usually have a reply ready for you within 24
hours. The dedicated telephone number is 205-880-9748. Set your
modem for 1200 to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit.
The MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. newsletter "Comm Talk" is
published quarterly. It discusses various communications problems
and solutions using PCL4C (the communications library) as well as
related information such as data compression issues. Registered
users receive a one year complimentary subscription when first
registering and for each update purchased. Additional one year
subscriptions are $15 plus $5 for overseas postage (postpaid in
the US).
EMS4C Users Manual Page 4
1.4 Installation
(1) Microsoft C, Borland & Turbo C, and MIX Power C compilers are
supported. However, the code should work with most any C compiler.
Before installation of EMS4C, your C compiler should already be
installed on your system and tested. If you are not familiar with
makefiles, refer to your compiler manual. If you are using the
interactive environment for Quick C or Turbo C, be sure to compile
with the memory model corresponding to the EMS4C library used.
(2) Make a backup copy of your distribution disk. Put your
original distribution disk in a safe place.
(3) Create a work directory on your work disk (normally your
harddisk). For example, to create a work directory named EMS4C, we
first log onto the work disk and then type:
(4) Copy all the files from your backup copy of the distribution
disk to your work directory. For example, to copy from the A:
drive to your work directory, we type:
COPY A:*.*
(5) Compile EMS_STAT.C and EMS_TEST.C and link with the
appropriate EMS4C library For example, to make EMS_TEST.EXE:
a) Borland Turbo C: Type
b) Microsoft C: Type
c) Quick C: Type
d) MIX Power C: Type
EMS4C Users Manual Page 5
2.0 MSDOS Memory
2.1 Types of Memory
Your system can have three kinds of memory: Conventional,
extended, and expanded.
All computers have "conventional" memory which includes all memory
up to 640KB, also known as "lower" DOS memory. The memory above
640KB to 1MB (1024KB) is known as "upper" DOS memory, which is
used by MSDOS for device driver, video buffers, etc. Programs
running under MSDOS can address all memory up to 1MB.
Extended memory is available on 80286 systems and up. To use
extended memory, you must install an extended-memory manager such
as HIMEM.SYS (distributed with MSDOS 5.0 & up). Extended memory
can also be converted to expanded memory as explained below.
The last type of memory on MSDOS systems is "expanded" memory.
Two kinds of expanded memory exists, both of which are handled
identically by EMS4C. The first type of expanded memory is an
expanded memory board that you install in your computer. Expanded
memory boards can be installed in any IBM PC beginning with the
8088 processor. Refer to the directions that came with your board.
The second type of expanded memory is really extended memory that
has been converted to expanded memory by a expanded-memory
emulator such as EMM386 (distributed with MSDOS 5.0 & up), 386MAX,
etc. Expanded memory created from extended memory behaves in
exactly the same way as true expanded memory.
2.1 Bank Switching
Expanded memory is implemented by a technique where more than 1MB
can be used by MSDOS programs, which are limited to addressing 1MB
of memory. This is done by a technique called "bank switching" in
which up to 32MB (in EMS 4.0) can be referenced in 16KB blocks
within the 1st 1MB of memory.
The expanded memory is organized into contiguous 16KB pages, which
can be mapped into any of four contiguous 16KB page frames located
somewhere between 640KB and 1024KB. The mapping is controlled by
the EMS driver using interrupt 67H.
The EMS4C library provides the interface necessary to perform this
bank switching from within your C program.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 6
3.0 Example Programs
Two example programs are provided. Each example program should be
compiled with the provided makefile. These example programs are
meant to demonstrate various ways in which the EMS compression
library can be used.
If you are using an integrated compiler environment instead of
makefiles, notice that each program is compiled with the SMALL
memory model.
EMS_STAT will display all EMS parameters (such as the amount of
EMS memory available) on your system.
To run EMS_STAT, just type:
The EMS_TEST program tests each of the EMS4C library functions.
The program also exercises the memory mapping calls, verifying
that all mapping is performed without data loss.
To run EMS_TEST, just type:
3.3 The EMM4C Library
The EMM4C (Expanded Memory Manager for C Library) library is
provided as a final example of using the EMS4C library. The EMM4C
library implements memory allocation and de-allocation functions
for EMS memory similiar to the standard C runtime library
functions malloc() and free().
There is also a EMM4C test driver provided with the EMM4C library
that exercises the EMM4C functions. The EMM4C test driver
(EMM_TEST) operates similiarly to the EMS4C test driver.
The EMM4C library is documented in the EMM4C.DOC file. A
registered version of the EMM4C library is provided when the user
registers the EMS4C library.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 7
4.0 EMS Library Functions
There are 14 functions in the EMS4C library.
emsLoaded Verifies that an expanded memory driver is loaded.
emsGetStatus Verifies that EMS hardware (if installed) is OK.
emsGetFrame Returns the address of the 1st EMS frame.
emsGetPages Gets the # free pages & the total # pages.
emsAllocate Allocates requested EMS pages.
emsMapMemory Maps an EMS page to a page frame.
emsRelease Release previously allocated EMS pages.
emsVersion Gets EMS driver (EMM) version.
emsSaveMap Saves EMS mapping context.
emsRestoreMap Restores a previous saved EMS mapping context.
emsGetHandles Get number of active EMS handles.
emsOwnedPages Returns the number of pages owned by a handle.
emsPageInfo Returns handles & pages for all handles.
emsPageMap Gets or sets EMS page-mapping registers.
All error codes returned by EMS4C are those returned by the EMS
driver, except for error codes 0xA0, 0xA1, and 0xA2.
This library should only be used with EMS version 3.2 or 4.0.
Earlier versions of the EMS may not work properly.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 8
4.1 emsLoaded
Function: Verifies that an expanded memory driver is loaded.
Syntax: int emsLoaded(void);
Remarks: You must call emsLoaded before any other EMS4C
function in order to verify that an expanded-memory
driver is loaded.
Returns: 0 : No error.
0xa0: EMS driver not loaded.
0xa1: Illegal library modification. (Shareware only).
Example: /* is EMS driver loaded ? */
Code = emsLoaded();
if( Code != 0 )
{/* error returned ! */
printf("emsLoaded returns %x\n",Code);
See Also emsGetStatus
4.2 emsGetStatus
Function: Verifies that EMS hardware (if installed) is OK.
Syntax: int emsGetStatus(void);
Remarks: The emsGetStatus() function should be called
immediately after call emsLoaded().
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* check EMS driver status */
Code = emsGetStatus();
if( Code != 0 )
{/* error returned ! */
printf("emsGetStatus returns %x\n",Code);
See Also emsLoaded.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 9
4.3 emsGetFrame
Function: Returns the address of the 1st EMS frame.
Syntax: int emsGetFrame(SegmentP)
int *SegmentP; /* pointer to segment of page frame */
Remarks: The emsGetFrame() function is used to get the segment
address of the first page frame. The four page frames
are all 16KB (16,384) bytes in length and occupy
contigous space in the area between 640KB and 1MB.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* get the frame segment */
int SegmentP;
Code := emsGetFrame(&SegmentP);
printf("Frame 0 address is at %x:0000\n",SegmentP);
4.4 emsGetPages
Function: Gets the # free pages & the total # pages.
Syntax: int emsGetPages(FreePagesP,TotalPagesP)
int *FreePagesP; /* pointer to # of free pages */
int *TotalPagesP; /* pointer to # of total pages */
Remarks: The emsGetPages function gets the nummber of system
wide unallocated (free) pages, and also the total
number of pages. You may subsequently allocate no more
than the number of free pages reported by this
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* get # free and total pages */
int Code;
int FreePages;
int TotalPages;
Code = emsGetPages(&FreePages,&TotalPages);
See Also emsAllocate
EMS4C Users Manual Page 10
4.5 emsAllocate
Function: Allocates requested EMS pages.
Syntax: int emsAllocate(NumberPages,HandleP)
int NumberPages; /* number of pages to allocate */
int *HandleP; /* pointer to handle */
Remarks: The emsAllocated function attempts to allocate the
requested number of pages, which must be less tna or
equal to the number of free pages as return by
emsGetPages. The Handle (returned) must be used for
subsequent calls to the remaining EMS functions.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x85: No more handles available.
0x87: Logical pages not available.
0x88: Logical pages not currently available.
0x89: Zero pages requested.
Example: /* get # free and total pages */
int Code;
int NumberPages;
int Handle;
Code = emsAllocate(&NumberPages,&Handle);
See Also emsGetPages, emsRelease.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 11
4.6 emsMapMemory
Function: Maps an EMS page to a page frame.
Syntax: int emsMapMemory(PhysicalPage,LogicalPage,Handle)
int PhysicalPage; /* Physical page (frame) number (0-3) */
int LogicalPage; /* Logical page number */
int Handle; /* EMS handle */
Remarks: The emsMapMemory function maps the requested page to
the the requested frame. Once the page has been
successfully mapped, you may address the contents of
the page at the frame addresss.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x8a: Logical page not assigned to this handle.
0x8b: Physical page number invalid.
Example: /* map memory */
int Page;
int Frame;
int Handle;
Code = emsMapMemory(Page,Frame,Handle);
See Also emsAllocate().
EMS4C Users Manual Page 12
4.7 emsRelease
Function: Release previously allocated EMS pages.
Syntax: int emsRelease(Handle)
int Handle; /* EMS handle */
Remarks: The emsRelease function releases memory previously
allocated with emsAllocate(). Once memory is released,
you can no longer reference it through the page frame.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x86: Error in mapping context.
Example: /* release memory */
int Handle;
Code = emsRelease(Handle);
See Also emsAllocate().
4.8 emsVersion
Function: Gets EMS driver (EMM) version.
Syntax: int emsVersion(VersionP)
int *Version; /* pointer to version number */
Remarks: The emsVersion function returns the Expanded Memory
Manager (EMM). The EMS4C library supports versions 3.2
and 4.0 (the two most recent as of this date).
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* get EMM version # */
int Version;
int Code;
Code = emsVersion(&Version);
EMS4C Users Manual Page 13
4.9 emsSaveMap
Function: Saves EMS mapping context.
Syntax: int emsSaveMap(Handle)
int Handle; /* EMS handle */
Remarks: The emsSaveMap function saves the current EMS mapping
context. You will only need to call this function if
you are writing a memory resident (TSR)program, an
interrupt service routine (ISR), device driver, or
other code that will have to share the EMS with other
programs at runtime.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x8c: Page-mapping hardware state save area full.
0x8d: Mapping context already associated.
Example: /* save mapping context */
int Handle;
int Code;
Code = emsSaveMap(Handle);
See Also emsRestoreMap
4.10 emsRestoreMap
Function: Restores a previous saved EMS mapping context.
Syntax: int emsRestoreMap(Handle)
int Handle; /* EMS handle */
Remarks: The emsRestoreMap() function restores the mapping
context previously saved with emsSaveMap(). Note that
at most one mapping context can be saved at any one
time. Refer to the emsSaveMap() function.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x8e: Save area has no context for handle.
Example: /* restore mapping context */
int Handle;
int Code;
Code = emsRestoreMap(Handle);
See Also emsSaveMap
EMS4C Users Manual Page 14
4.11 emsActiveHandles
Function: Get number of active EMS handles.
Syntax: int emsActiveHandles(HandlesP)
int *HandlesP; /* pointer to number of handles */
Remarks: The emsActiveHandles() function gets the number of
active EMS handles already allocated. If 0 is
reported, then EMS is not in use. There is a system
wide maximum of 255 handles.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* report # free EMS handles */
int Code;
int Handles;
Code = emsActiveHandles(&Handles);
if(Handles>0)printf("%d free handles\n",255-Handles);
See Also emsOwnedPages
4.12 emsOwnedPages
Function: Returns the number of pages owned by a handle.
Syntax: int emsOwnedPages(Handle,OwnedP)
int Handle; /* EMS handle */
int OwnedP; /* pointer to owned handles */
Remarks: The emsOwnedPages() function gets the number of
handles owned by the specified EMS handle. The minimum
value is one.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x83: Invalid handle.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* report # owned pages */
int Code;
int Owned;
int Handle;
Code = emsOwnedPages(Handle,&Owned);
printf("%d pages owned by handle %d\n",Owned);
See Also emsActiveHandles
EMS4C Users Manual Page 15
4.13 emsPageInfo
Function: Returns handles & pages for all handles
Syntax: int emsPageInfo(PagesP,ActiveP)
int *PagesP; /* pointer to array to hold info */
int *ActiveP; /* pointer to # active pages */
Remarks: The emsPageInfo() function fills a passed array with
4-byte entries of handles & page counts: Bytes 0 &1
contain the EMS handle, while bytes 2 & 3 contain the
number of pages. Be sure to pass an array of
sufficient size to contain all entries.
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
Example: /* get page info */
int Code;
int Active;
{int Handle;
int Pages;
} Array[255];
Code = emsPageInfo(&Array,&Active);
EMS4C Users Manual Page 16
4.14 emsPageMap
Function: Gets or sets EMS page-mapping registers.
Syntax: int emsPageMap(Function,SrcArray,DstArray,*Result)
int Function; /* sub-function */
char SrcArray[]; /* pointer to source array */
char DstArray[]; /* pointer to dest. array */
int *Result; /* pointer to Result */
Remarks: The emsPageMap function is used to get or set page map
registers, or get the size of the Page Map array. This
function is designed to support multi-tasking DOS
extenders such as Windows.
The Result variable will contain the page map array
size if emsPageMap was called successfully with
sub-function 3.
The emsPageMap function should not be used for
programs other than multi-tasking Operating Systems.
It is included in the EMS4C library for completeness
Subfunction values are:
00H = Getting registers into array
01H = Setting registers from array
02H = Get and set operation
03H = Return size of page-mapping array
Returns: 0x00: No error.
0x80: Internal error in EMS software.
0x81: Malfunction in EMS hardware.
0x84: Undefined function.
0x8f: Subfunction not defined.
Example: /* get size of page mapping array */
char SrcArray[], DstArray[];
int Result;
Code = emsPageMap(3,SrcArray,DstArray,&Result);
if(Code==0) printf("Array size = %d\n",Result);
EMS4C Users Manual Page 17
5.0 EMS Error Codes
Be sure and check the return codes from each EMS4C function call.
There are 18 error codes returned by the EMS4C library other than
0 (no error). All error codes are negative numbers. Their
numerical values are the same as returned from the MSDOS EMS
Driver (EMMXXXX0) and are defined in the EMS4C.H file.
EMS Error Codes
* 0x00 * No error. *
* 0x80 * Internal error in EMS software. *
* 0x81 * Malfunction in EMS hardware. *
* 0x83 * Invalid handle. *
* 0x84 * Undefined function. *
* 0x85 * No more handles available. *
* 0x86 * Error in mapping context. *
* 0x87 * Logical pages not available. *
* 0x88 * Logical pages not currently available. *
* 0x89 * Zero pages requested. *
* 0x8a * Logical page not assigned to this handle. *
* 0x8b * Physical page number invalid. *
* 0x8c * Page-mapping hardware state save area full. *
* 0x8d * Mapping context already associated. *
* 0x8e * Save area has no context for handle. *
* 0x8f * Subfunction not defined. *
* 0xa0 * EMS driven not loaded. *
* 0xa1 * Illegal library modification. (Shareware only). *
* 0xa2 * emsLoaded not called. *
EMS4C Users Manual Page 18
6.0 Legal Issues
6.1 Registration
If you wish to register the EMS4C library, please send $35 plus $3
S&H ($6 outside of North America) to:
MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
Post Office Box 4543
Huntsville AL 35815
We accept American Express (account number, expiration date,
exact name on your card, and complete AmEx billing address
required), checks in US dollars drawn on a US bank, purchase
orders (POs) from recognized US schools and companies listed in
Dun & Bradstreet, and COD (street address and phone number
required) within the USA (plus a $3 COD charge). Print the file
EMS4C.INV if an invoice is needed.
You can also order EMS4C from The Public Software Library (PSL)
with your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover card by calling 800-242-4PSL
(from overseas: 713-524-6394) or by FAX at 713-524-6398 or by
The product number for EMS4C is 10912.
If you wish to update from an older version of EMS4C, send $15
plus $3 S&H ($6 outside of North America). Updates must be
ordered directly from MarshallSoft Computing.
The registered package includes:
o No shareware screen.
o Assembler source code for the library.
o Laser printed Users Manual.
o Telephone / FAX / BBS support for one year.
o The EMM4C library.
Print the file EMS4C.INV if an invoice is needed. The registered
user will receive the latest version of EMS4C shipped by two day
priority mail (packet airmail overseas). A 5.25" diskette is
provided unless a 3.5" diskette is requested.
6.2 Referral Program
The registered user will receive a $5 certificate towards any
MarshallSoft Computing product by referring a new customer
(someone who has never registered with us). The new customer must
identify you at the time the order is placed. You will be mailed
a certificate worth $5 when the new registration is paid.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 19
6.3 License
MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. grants the registered user of EMS4C
the right to use the EMS4C library (in object form) in the
development of any software product without any royalties.
However, the source code (EMS4C.ASM) for the library is
copyrighted by MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., and may not be
released in whole or in part.
6.4 Warranty
Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability
for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation
may not apply to you.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
Alabama and shall inure to the benefit of Marshallsoft Computing,
Inc. and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any
action or proceeding brought by either party against the other
arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only
in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in
Madison County, Alabama. The parties hereby consent to in personam
jurisdiction of said courts.
7.0 Revision History
Version 1.0 -- July 24, 1993 -- original release.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 20
8.0 Other MarshallSoft Computing Products for C
Shareware versions of all MarshallSoft Computing products are
available on our user support BBS 205-880-9748.
8.1 The Personal Communications Library for C
The Personal Communications Library for the C Language (PCL4C) is
an asynchronous communications library designed for experienced
software developers programming in C. Four compilers are
supported: Microsoft Optimizing C, Microsoft Quick C, Borland
Turbo C, and MIX Power C. An IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible is
required. The PCL features:
o SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM & LARGE memory models.
o 33 communications and support functions.
o Supports PC/4 and PC/8 Digiboard.
o Support for the high performance INS16550 UART.
o Supports hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control.
o Interrupt driven receiver.
o Supports 300 baud to 115,200 baud.
o Supports COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4.
o Adjustable receive queues from 8 bytes to 32 KB.
o Control-BREAK error exit.
o 17 communications error conditions trapped.
o Allows 4 ports to run concurrently.
o Complete modem control & status.
o Written in assembly language for small size & high speed.
o Terminal program featuring XMODEM, YMODEM, & YMODEM-G.
The Personal Communications Library for C (PCL4C) is available for
$55 plus $3 S&H ($6 S&H overseas). It may be ordered at the same
time as the Personal Protocol Library for $65 plus $3.50 S&H ($7
8.2 The Personal Protocol Library for C
The Personal Protocol Library (PPL) consist of a state driven
library which implements the XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K,
XMODEM-G, YMODEM, and YMODEM-G file transfer protocols. This
allows the programmer to run multiple protocol transfers
simultaneously while interacting with the user at the keyboard.
The Personal Protocol Library for C (PPL4C) is available for $35
plus $3 S&H ($6 S&H overseas). Both the Communications library and
the Protocol library can be ordered together for $65.
The PPL requires the Personal Protocol Library for C (PCL4C) as
described above.
EMS4C Users Manual Page 21
8.3 The LZW Data Compression Library for C
LZW4C is an implementation of the LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) algorithm
for compressing and decompressing data. LZW does particularly
well on text files, achieving better than a 50 % compression ratio
for many files.
The LZW algorithm is considered to be one of the best general
purpose algorithms available today. The new high speed modems
that employ on-the-fly data compression (such as MNP 5.0 & the
V.42 bis international standard) use the LZW algorithm, as well as
such well known utility programs such as PKZIP.
The LZW Data Compression Library for C is available for $35 plus
$3 S&H ($6 S&H overseas).
EMS4C Users Manual Page 22